
Friendly Ghost Flag

What you'll need:

  • 1 white garbage bag
  • Large branch
  • Scissors
  • Purple and black craft foam
  • 3 large buttons
  • 6-8 flat marbles
  • White craft glue
  • 3-4 feet of yarn
  • Clear sturdy tape, such as shipping or packaging tape

How to make it:

  1. Lay branch on work surface.
  2. Place closed end of plastic garbage bag near the branch. Insert branch into the bag, poking through the side, running branch through the bag and out the other side.
  3. On the side of the bag that is attached to the branch, use scissors to cut two triangles; these will create the space between the head and arms. (Note: Cut only the two sloping sides of the triangles so that all of the pieces remain attached the bag.)
  4. Tape the excess bag that you just cut, attach it to the branch.
  5. Cut two ovals from black foam for eyes, and a simple mouth as well. Glue to the head portion of the bag.
  6. Cut out a simple bow tie from purple foam and glue under smile.
  7. Glue 3 buttons down the front of the ghost’s body.
  8. Go to the bottom of your ghost, which is the open end of the bag, and cut a triangle type pattern to create a jagged edge.
  9. Line up the jagged triangles on top of each other. Glue flat marbles in between a front and back jagged triangle. You do not have to glue them to every one, just put enough in to give your ghost some weight.
  10. Tie yarn to one end of the branch. Wrap around several times to secure well. Tie the other end of the yarn to the other end of the branch, thus creating your hanger.





  1. Buy construction paper at the dollar store for plenty of fun projects.
  2. For smaller circles, wrap paper around a small paint brush handle.
  3. White craft glue is perfect for this project, however white school glue will work as well.



What would you wanna share with me?